
Rainy regards from Northern Germany

Just a short hello from the very Northern German town of Flensburg in Schleswig Holstein - my home town. 97 % of the time it is raining - all kind of rains, gentle rain, but also strong rain - with a "nice" wind so that it rains directly into ones face...

One day it stopped raining and we decided to have a look at the beach, which I have not seen in ages... It is called "Solitude" and the name was really suitable that very day....

Also Josie enjoyed running on the soft sand for a moment and giving all the speed her short legs could give,,,

All in all we are having a good time... BBQs, drinks, coffees, ice creams, traditional Danish hot dogs, beach (Josie looooved it), family, friends, hospitality and a feeling of being home. 

Josie looking at some bird in the garden ...

My lovely sister and my sweet cousin with the pup...



  1. Hey du fleißige Bloggerin, du hast Urlaub!!!!! Was war das nett Gestern! Habt ihr noch lange gefeiert???? Liebe Grüße an alle! A.

  2. Hallo meine liebe Anja, wir sind auch bald gegangen, um unser Schlafdefizit zu versuchen, aufzuholen. Um ca halb 10 waren wir in Ulstrup.
    Prima, dass es geklappt hat und ihr auch kommen konntet, die Photos werde ich selbstverständlich auch schicken! Ich war so traurig heute, als wir gefahren sind - bis RD habe ich noch ungefaehrt geheult :(

    Hoffentlich bis bald,

    Allerliebste Gruesse,
