
Instagram for beginners

Okay, I will probably be the last person on the world wide web to try out that application - but even I have to say, it is worth it!! A quick and easy way to transform new and existing photos into a new look, vintage, or with some kind of frame, or in polaroid style. It is fun to play around with it, so these are my first attempts:

New years day walk in the Sonse Heide 

Vintage Venice 

Karpendonk'se Pond / EIndhoven 

 Josie sleeping on her new cute dog blanket which I got for my birthday! 
Thank you, Anja!! I love it - and  Josie too 

My cute puppy Josie is already four months old 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Svenja! Smile! Wie schön, das euch das Deckchen gefällt!!!! Hab es schön- hier regnet es, als würde es niiiiiie wieder aufhören.z.k.! Liebe Grüße Anja
