
Adventures and Tea

Would you like an adventure now, or would you like to have your tea first? (Peter Pan)
Not quite the time for tea, I'd say.

This month has been turmoil. In many ways. Life changing ways.

However, life goes on, and we have to keep the faith and embrace the change, for it won't do us any good if we don't.

By coincidence I have bumped into this October astrology forecast and I was amazed how accurate this was.

Anyways, off to new adventures:

Relocating is in the planning for me. I have found an new place, and that is why I am already busy putting my life into boxes.

I am going to move from Bielefeld to Braunschweig. Therefore I am already planning interior design and decoration of my new home. 
It will be white again, as I am some sort of a white snob. I prefer accentuation with a few small items such as paintings, pictures or even playing with a few floral elements, which for me mean, decorating with Orchids, since they seem the only flower willing to survive in my hands.


Since my new place is a little bigger than my current home, I am thinking to make one room a meditation room. I am even thinking of inviting some other people interested in spiritual growth to join in for meeting up on a regular basis to do meditation.
This could be once a week, or once every two weeks, something like that.

I am
I have not done this before, I mean hosting this sort of thing. What I did was attending those groups and I have always found it utterly inspiring to get together with other people interested in spiritual growth. would make a great opportunity to install this as a regular appointment into my calendar, and bonus: I would even meet new people in my new town. 
Additionally, it would bring me on a further level since I'd be the one organizing the whole set up and forced to take up on leadership in in a new field. Something, I am mostly backing away from, even avoiding wherever possible.


Right, I better keep going. Lots of items to be wrapped up and put into boxes, furniture to be prepared for moving and saying farewell to the people I know. 
But first, I'll have my tea ;-)

Happy Sunday!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Svenja - how come you're moving already? I wish you all the best with your move, I know it's stressful and it takes a while to settle but like you said, no chance of moving forward unless you embrace change.
    BTW - would you like to do a tea exchange? I'll get you my favourite tea and pop them in the post for you and you can do the same? xxx
