
Puppy school

To have a puppy is seriously such a pleasure: Josie is always happy and can always bring a smile to my face! Especially when waking up in the morning she mostly also wakes up and stretches her short white legs and yawns. After that she is rolling around to lay on her back for a moment to stretch herself again, before she finally decides to get up an makes a cat back (so funny, thought that only cats can do so!) and that the waggling starts! What a joy! This small tail is moving so fast and it seems Josie smiles all over her face.And this waggling and smiling appears anytime she sees one around the corner, when returning into the room or when talking to her.
Most of the time she actually is asleep. I did not know nor expect that puppies are sleeping 70% of the day, a little bit the same as babies, isn't it? And if that is not the case she req
uires quite a big deal of attention: Playing, going out, playing again, some training - she can already sit and lay down!
As I really find it important, that dogs can behave very well, I decided to go to attend a puppy class with her. We registered at Martin Gaus Hondenschool for the puppy cursus. And it was fantastic: We learned tips to walk on the lead on a certain side (mostly left side), giving them a call to come, which was proposed to do with the word here! as this is short and clear. Of course the little ones than get a lot of dog candy and hugging to show that they did things well. Further more we learned some theory and were allowed to ask a hell lot
of questions.
Tomorrow will be lesson #2 and I am really curious.

This is how it looks like in the morning, just before getting up..

This seems she has the same taste if it comes to handbags ...

And this is her favorite toy - the rope -- which might be destroyed completely soon ...


  1. So lovely!!!! M.-L. ist sehr enttäuscht das du bzw. ihr nicht über Ostern kommt.....! Deine Josy ist echt entzückend! Und dieser rosa Bauch!!! Den hatte damals Senta auch! Liebe Grüße ich

    1. Wenn wir's ueber Ostern nicht schaffen, dann kommen wir sicher ein anderes mal, ganz bald! Ich habe auch mal wieder Sehnsucht nach dem Norden und freue mich schon, euch alle zu sehen! Evtl wird es eher Mitte April oder Ende, ,weil wir da sowieso auf der Messe in Frankfurt sind. Und wenn wir dann schon mal in Deutschland sind.....oh je, wenn's einfach nicht so weit weg wäre (ich bin nicht so der Held, um lange Strecken zu fahren ha ha) Ich hoffe, Euch geht es gut, & Josie und ich gehen gleich zur 2. Welpenklasse !
      Liebe Gruesse,
